Presence of MB2 canals in different ethnic cohorts

Maxillary first molar second mesiobuccal (MB2) root canal prevalence may change among different populations. CBCT was chosen to assess the prevalence of maxillary first molar MB2 root canals in 21 different regions explains Martins et al., 2018.

Clinical implication: The prevalence in males and females was 76.3% and 71.8%, respectively (P < .05). Significantly higher MB2 proportions were found in younger patients and 3-rooted molar configurations. Lower MB2 proportions in older patients may be caused by the possible enclosure of a previously existing MB2 root canal or canals that become so narrow that they are no longer visible upon CBCT examination. The worldwide MB2 prevalence was 73.8%, ranging from 48.0% in Venezuela to 97.6% in Belgium. Knowing these variables (sex, age and root configuration) before maxillary molar root canal therapy has an important clinical relevance because it is possible to anticipate a higher or lower chance of identifying an MB2 root canal during the treatment.

Practical application: Studies correlate the presence of periapical lesions with endodontically treated maxillary molars that present with unfilled MB2 canals. Patient demographics may play an important role in the maxillary first molar MB2 canal prevalence. Australia presented one of the lowest proportions of MB2 canals (50.8%), whereas Syria presented one of the highest (95.2%). the average patient age in Australia (54.1 years) was more than double that in Syria (22.1 years). The percentage of females in Australia was 66.4%, whereas in Syria it was only 55.0%.

Reference: Martins, J.N., Alkhawas, M.B.A., Altaki, Z., Bellardini, G., Berti, L., Boveda, C., Chaniotis, A., Flynn, D., Gonzalez, J.A., Kottoor, J. and Marques, M.S., 2018. Worldwide analyses of maxillary first molar second Mesiobuccal prevalence: a multicenter cone-beam computed tomographic study. Journal of endodontics, 44(11), pp.1641-1649.